CommonsSearch API

Are you a webmaster? Who wants to access CommonsSearch from your own web pages? If so, we have an API for you. Signup below for free access to the API. After signing up, you will find complete details for using the REST process to put CommonsSearch on your own website.

Naturally, this is limited. You have 5 free days of access. Then you will be invited to participate on a paid basis. Our rates are here. Thank you for your interest in CommonsSearch.

Need a WordPress plugin for CommonsSearch? You can download that by clicking here.

Get Your API Key here:

Login to the CommonSearch API pages:


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To use the api, here is the way to call CommonsSearch from your website:

First, you would have gotten an api key (and a secret code) when signing up. You use the api key to get a token:

This returns a json encoded array with an element called 'token'

Use the token as follows:

Note: the token request will also return an element called 'url' which IS this next URL to call. And an element called 'status' which will be 'ok'. If not ok, an error array is returned.

The code request returns an array with a 'code' element which is a token that can be used for the next 12 hours, in place of having to get a new token every time. Although that's fine, if you'd like to. The important response is the 'url' element. This looks like:

And you go to CommonsSearch with that url for the next 12 hours.

To programatically receive JSON data for the most recent image you have selected, use this REST code: